Privacy Policy Of personal date

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Article 1 : Glossary

For more clarification in the reading of below text, we agree that :

  • « Editor / Client » : is CENTRAL HOSTEL
  • « Site » : is the website of CENTRAL HOSTEL under url :
  • « User » : any person visiting one or more pages from this website

Article 2 : Protection of personal data

Editor commits to comply with below rules :

  • European Rules of Procedure (UE) n° 2016/679 dated April 27th 2016 related to protection of
    individuals towards the processing of personal data
  • French law n° 2018-493 dated June 20th 2018 related to protection of personal data
  • French law n° 78-17 dated January 6th 1978 related to Information Technology (IT), to files &
    liberties modified by various decrees, one of them being n° 2019-536 dated May 29th 2019,
  • French law n° 2004-575 dated June 21st 2004 related to confidence in the digital economy,
  • French Code of Post and electronic communications, Book II the electronic communications

The Editor may modify the User’s personal data processing private policy and invite him to consult
it on regular basis. This website respects and protects the privacy of Users, giving every effort
possible and reasonable not to breach any Users’ rights. This privacy policy applies exclusively to on
line activities of this site and is valid for all their Users. It does not apply to information collected
throught other networks. The objective of this privacy policy is to provide a total transparence of
information collected by this Site and how it is using it.

Article 3 – Data Controller

The Data Controller is Nessence Group, 61 rue du Château d’Eau, 33000 BORDEAUX

Article 4 – Legal basis for processing

The legal basis for processing is the Consent.
When using or consulting, Users explicitly approve the current privacy policy and agree to the
processing of their personal data in line with methods and objectives described below, also in case
of disclosure to third parties, if necessary, for service provision.
Data supply and as such consent to data collection and processing is optional. User can refuse his
consent and may revoke a consent already given, at any moment (article « Right to erasure »).
This Site processes part of data according to Data Controller’ legitimate interests for the security of
the Site and the Editor’s/ Client’s one.

Article 5 – Categories of data collected and their uses

Categories of personal data collected via this Site are :
– from « contact » menu : name, firstname, email, phone and any other personal data that the
User may give in his message
– from the subscription to the newsletter : email
– from the connections :

  • ip address of User
  • via the pixel « Meta/Facebook » : Facebook’s user id

This Site also use log files where information is stored automatically when users do donnect to the
website ; this is being done in order to check the good functioning of the site. For security reasons,
these information are processed according to the Editor’s / Client’s legitimate interests.
These data are never used for User’s identification or profiling, but solely to protect the Site and
their Users.

Article 6 – Data recipient of personal data collected

Besides the Editor / Client, employees working on the site organisation (administrative, sales,
marketing, legal, IT Administrator) or external parties may have access to data.
Within external parties, we have our sales partners (as to whom Users may
give personal data for the booking management.
If User connects on the booking page by using our partner’s plugin, a direct connection is being set
up with our partner’s servers. The screenshot of the plugin seen by the User and the sub-menus are
then directly recorded on his web browser. The User will find more information in notes related to
protection of data of this partner :
Outside of this partner in link with the booking management and of those for the security of the
Site, personal data collected by the Site will never be communicated to other third parties, for any
reason, unless by a légitimate request from the judiciary authority and only in the cases provided
for by law.
The hypothesis of the takeover of CENTRAL HOSTEL and his rights would allow the transmission of
these information to the possible buyer, who would then also be liable to similar obligation for
keeping and modifying data in regards to the Site’s User.

Article 7 – Data retention of personal data collected

Data retention period may vary :

  • Data contact are kept : 12 months
  • Data connection are kept 2 days

Data for traceability and visit purposes have variable retention periods. They are indicated in the
article on cookies.

Article 8 – Protection of personal data collected

The Editor commits to ensure the securisation and privacy of data processed on his softwares
processing. The Site is secured according to the protocol HTTPS, which means that data exchanged
between Site and User are encrypted.
The Editor undertakes all useful measures to protect personal data processed by his services, mainly
to prevent these to be distorted, damaged or communicated to non authorized parties.
This Site processes Users ‘ data legally and correctly, by taking appropriate security measures to
prevent any non authorized access, sharing, modification or destruction of data.
Data processing is done thanks to IT and or telematics tools, based on methods of organization and
a logic strictly linked to named objectives.

Article 9 – Data storage

Storage of collected data is done on a server located in France. Once the email including the contact
form is submitted, the request is processed by the Editor / Client and User’s data are in his software
named « management of customer relation ».

Article 10 – Right of access

According to the legislation in force, each user has the ability of a right of access to his own personal
The User can use this right by writing to CENTRAL HOSTEL, 2 Place Saint-Projet, 33000 Bordeaux.
The Editor will be cautious in checking the requestor’s identity thanks to an identity document Duby
signed before giving him access to his own personal data.

Article 11 – Right to request the rectification

According to the legislation in force, each user has the right to amend his personal data.
This right allows any personal data to be amended, completed, updated, blocked or erased if these
are incorrect, un complété, confused or obsolete.
The User may use this right by writing to CENTRAL HOSTEL, 2 Place Saint-Projet, 33000 Bordeaux.
The Editor will be cautious in checking the requestor’s identity thanks to an identity document duly
signed before proceeding to any modification of his own personal data.

Article 12 – Right of erasure

According to the legislation in force, each user has the right to erase any personal data. This right
allows any personal data to be erased.
The User may use this right by writing to CENTRAL HOSTEL, 2 Place Saint-Projet, 33000 Bordeaux.
The Editor will be cautious in checking the requestor’s identity thanks to an identity document duly
signed before proceeding to the erasure of his personal data before the deadline of the retention
period (cf article related to Retention of personal data collected)

Article 13 – Right of opposition for legitimate ground

The Editor will study any request of opposition to use of personal data according to rules set in
previous articles.
The User may use this right by writing to CENTRAL HOSTEL, 2 Place Saint-Projet, 33000 Bordeaux.
The Editor will be cautious in checking the requestor’s identity thanks to an identity document duly
signed before proceeding to this opposition.

Article 14 – Right to restriction of processing

According to the legislation in force, each user has the right to restrict the processing of his own
personal data, which means freezing data at a specific time.
The User may use this right by writing to CENTRAL HOSTEL, 2 Place Saint-Projet, 33000 Bordeaux.
The Editor will be cautious in checking the requestor’s identity thanks to an identity document duly
signed before. The User will be informed of the end of restriction by the Editor.

Article 15 – The cookies

Web browsing may lead to installation of cookie(s) on the User’s PC. A cookie is a small file, which
does not allow the identification of the user, but which records information relevant to web
browsing from a PC on a web site. Data collected aim to facilitate future web browsing on the site,
and also allow different traffic metrics.
Necessary cookies are absolutely essentials for the good functioning of the web site. These cookies
guarantee the basic functions and the security functions of the web site, anonymously.
Session cookies are essential to allow the distinction of Users connected and to prevent any
requested functionality to be provided to the incorrect User, and also for security reasons to prevent
cyberattacks on the site. Session cookies don’t include any personal data and are active only during
the open session, meaning until the closure of the browser. By using this site, the visitor agrees to
use of cookies.
The list of active cookies is available when opening the Site, on the window « cookies policy » by
clicking on « personalize ».

tableau des cookies

Article 16 – Parameters of cookies

The fact to refuse installing a cookie may lead to the impossibility to access some services.
Meanwhile, the User may configure his PC as follows to refuse any installation of cookie :

  • With Brave : click at top right of the browser on the menu icon (3 horizontal lines), select
    Parameters. In the section « protection », you can block cookies
  • With Chrome : click at top right of the browser on the menu icon (3 horizontal lines), select
    Parameters. Click on Display the advanced parameters. In the section « Confidentiality »,
    click on preferences. In the tab « Confidentiality », you can block cookies.
  • With Firefox : on the top window of the browser, click on the button Firefox, then go to tab
    Options. Click on tab « Private life ». Set up the rules of retention on : use the personalized
    parameters for the history. Untick it to desactivate the cookies.
  • With Internet Explorer : tab tool (icon like a wheel on top right) / internet options. Click on
    Confidentiality and choose Block all cookies. Validate on OK.
  • With Safari : click at top right of the browser on the menu icon (as a wheel). Select
    Parameters. Click on Show advanced Parameters. In the section « Confidentiality », click on
    Content Settings. In the tab « Cookies », you can block the cookies.

Article 17 – The Social Networks

The Site of the Editor does use plug-ins of following social networks Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin
(a plug-in is an extension which is added to your application to bring you new functionalities. It can’t
work alone and usually created by users).
The social plug-ins are similar to websites logos. These plug-ins are set up to not create any cookie
when you log on to preserve the confidentiality of the user.
Of the User cliks on a web link on Editor’s site which contains social plug-ins, then a direct
connection is established with the servers of this social network. The image from the plug-in seen
by the User and their sub functions are directly transmitted to his browser which records them.
So, the Editor highlights the User’s attention on the fact that the content and the volume of data
which are collected and transmitted directly to this network via the social plug-in, as well as the
recording duration and purpose of use, are determined exclusively by this supplier.
The User will find more information in the notes related to the data protection of these suppliers :

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Linkedin

Article 18 – Right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority

Editor’s will is to find a friendly agreement to all disputes which may arise. However, any User
benefits from the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority. In France, the relevant
Supervisory Authorizy for the protection of personal data is the French Data Protection Authority
(FDPA). Their website is :